Structure and Membership

What is the structure of Redbridge Safeguarding Children Partnership (RSCP)?

Redbridge Safeguarding Children Partnership (RSCP) is made up of the main Partnership meeting and two Sub-Groups.  The Independent Chair of the RSCP reports to the Council’s Chief Executive.  Below is a link to the Independent Chair, who also acts as Chair of the Redbridge Safeguarding Adults Board (RSAB),  Role Specification:

The Partnership and each Sub-Group is governed by a set of rules called ‘Terms of Reference’ (ToR). The work carried out by the Partnership and each Sub-Group is monitored by work programmes.  Below is a link to the Partnership Terms of Reference (ToR):

The statutory safeguarding leads for both the RSCP and the Redbridge Safeguarding Adult Board (RSAB) meet together as a Joint Executive on a quarterly basis.  The Terms of Reference for this group is below:

The Sub-Groups, each with their own ToR are:

  • Learning & Improvement (ToR)
  • Training (ToR)

To see how the RSCP fits with other forums, boards and partnerships working in Redbridge to support safeguarding, please see the structure chart below:

Who are the members of Redbridge SCP?

The RSCP consists of members who are senior people within their organisations and include:

The Partnership is supported by:

You can also view the PDF version of our list of members (PDF 200KB).

All partner agency members are asked to sign a RSCP Partner Agency Agreement which outlines the expectations that the Board has on members including co-operation, commitment, confidentiality, and contribution.  Members are also expected to abide by the RSCP Independent Chair Scrutineer ‘Need to Know’ for Partner Agencies list for partner agencies.       All Partnership and Subgroup members are required to view the Data Protection Presentation as part of their induction and at regular intervals thereafter.

Member Induction

There are Induction Packs available for both new partner agency Board and Sub-Group members and also new Lay Members.