Staying Safe Online

The internet can do some amazing things but it can also be a dangerous place so it’s important to be aware of how to stay safe online.

We hope to raise awareness of some of the risks, signpost to some excellent resources and give you ideas on how to keep safe.  To learn more, see below and visit the following pages:

 Selfies and Sexting – make a report and get help!

Baited pages

You can find links to other useful documents and websites below.

If you are worried about a friend who you think may be at risk of being exploited or bullied online, there’s help and guidance available from the Samaritans who have produced a guide in partnership with Facebook – Help a Friend in Need.

Useful leaflets:

– eSafety Leaflet for Young People (PDF 3.5MB)


Help and Advice:

(Child Exploitation and Online Protection) is there to keep children safe from sexual abuse and grooming online. This is a place where you can report abuse or any concerns relating to the Internet

 A non-profit organisation working with others to “help make the Internet a great and safe place for children”

 A cyberbullying charity providing advice and support to anyone being affected by cyberbullying issues

 Family Services Directory aims to provide information on all services in Redbridge for children, young people, families and practitioners

The CEOP Centre’s online safety centre, where you will find advice and tips for children and the resource – The internet, relationships & you.