I am a Parent/Carer

We all have a personal responsibility to notice when a child or young person may be being abused and pass our concerns to someone who can act to protect them.

This part of the website is for parents, carers, anyone with parental responsibility, relatives, friends and neighbours who need information or advice.

Redbridge Safeguarding Children Partnership (RSCP) is a partnership of professionals, established under the Children & Social Work Act 2017, from across the statutory, private and voluntary sectors working together to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people.

Safeguarding children and young people means protecting them from abuse or neglect, getting the right support in place as early as possible and creating an environment in which children and young people feel safe and healthy.

Keeping children safe in Redbridge is everybody’s responsibility.

Further information is available in this section to safeguard and promote the welfare of children in Redbridge.

If you have any comments, questions or queries, please contact us.  To find out more about services available in Redbridge for children, young people and families, including finding childcare, contact Redbridge Families Information Direct (FiND).

Parenting Courses On-Line

InOurPlace Understanding Your Child on-line parenting courses, developed by the Solihull Approach, are now available free of charge to Redbridge residents.  There are three different courses available covering the age range from pregnancy into childhood, some of which are in alternative languages.   Each course consists of a number of modules.  These can be completed at your own pace.  The courses are suitable for parents, carers and grandparents and they aim to enhance family life, improving understanding of babies and children.

The material is based upon expert research and the courses have achieved the Government’s CANparent Quality Mark.

Upon completion you can opt to receive a certificate.  To view the courses, you will first need to register an account using your e-mail address and then use the access code BRIDGE to obtain free use.  More information is available in the flyer (to the left) or view the website.


  • NSPCC resources for parents and carers based on the ‘underwear’ rule – which can help discussions with young children about sexual abuse.
  • LSCB Private Tutor and Tuition Centre Leaflet – guidance for parents and carers on employing a private tutor or using a tuition centre for their child.