Not Living with Parents?

You may be being privately fostered…

Sometimes it’s arranged by a parent for their child go to stay with someone who is not a close relative.  If the child or young person is likely to stay at this person’s home for 28 days or more the law calls this a Private Fostering arrangement.  The person that looks after the child or young person is a private foster carer and the law says that the local authority must be told because it’s their job to make sure that children are looked after properly whoever they are living with.

Why are some children privately fostered?

There can be lots of different reasons why a child or young person goes to stay with someone.  Examples include if mum or dad are ill and can’t care for their children, a child is going to school in another country or maybe as a teenager there are rows or upset at home which a break away may make better.  These are only some of the reasons.

Think you’re being privately fostered, and want to find out more?

A good starting place would be to look at this guide which is specifically for children and young people.