
Stalking includes sending unwanted gifts, making unwanted or hurtful communication, damaging property and physical/sexual assult. If the behaviour is causing you fear, distress or anxiety then it is stalking and should not be tolerated. The facts below give you more information and the resources on this page, can give you further help and support.

Know the facts

– Stalking is illegal.

– Stalkers do not have to be strangers.  They can be people we know, such as ex-partners or friends.

– Just because you know/knew the stalker doesn’t mean that the situation is your fault – it is still stalking and it is wrong.

– Anyone can be a victim of stalking

– Stalking, even if not violent, can still be harmful to the victim


– National Stalking Helpline Leaflet

Put a STOP to Stalking poster 

– Hollie Guard, A Personal Safety App


The National Stalking Helpline 0808 802 0300 , Monday to Friday, 9:30am to 4pm (except Wednesday 1pm to 4pm)