Redbridge local safeguarding children board

News:      26 July 2024

New!  RSCP Newsletter – Summer Edition

The Summer Edition of the newsletter is now available to download via the link below:

More than Football

More than Football is a project that provides weekly football coaching sessions for young people of all abilities aged 12 – 17 years who are experiencing psychological, emotional and wellbeing issues (e.g. anxiety, ASD, ADHD).  Young people do not have to have a diagnosis.  Football is the main activity but the project also provides social interaction opportunities.  There are venues in Redbridge and Waltham Forest.  Contact

Children’s Rights

KidsRights has published its annual data on how children’s rights are respected worldwide and to what extent countries are committed to improving the rights of children. The data indicates improvement in the UK’s performance regarding children’s rights but highlights concerns including: racism, bullying and discrimination against minority and LGBTQ+ children; disparities in the criminal justice system; and child poverty. Recommendations include: measures to address discrimination and overrepresentation in the criminal justice system; and implementing child rights impact assessments.  For more information and to read the report, click on the links below:

Research – Kids Rights Index
The KidsRights Index 2024 report

Child Friendly Redbridge Staff Survey

As a member of the children and young people’s workforce here in Redbridge – have your voice heard.

A Child Friendly Redbridge staff survey has been launched which is open to Local Authority staff and those working in partner agencies, including the Redbridge Safeguarding Children Partnership (RSCP).

Your views are important.  Taking part is voluntary and all answers are anonymous.  Join in – it takes less than five minutes to complete – and let the Team know how the child friendly Redbridge programme is impacting. Scan the QR Code to access the short survey.

To find out more about the journey that Redbridge is taking to accreditation as a child friendly Borough, check out the website.

UNICEF Children and Young People’s Survey

A new survey for children and young people has been launched as part of the Child Friendly Redbridge Programme.  Please do share and encourage any children and young people you know to complete so that their voice is heard.  There are voucher prizes to be won.  The survey can be found on Let’s Talk Redbridge and the links is below:

Kooth Talks for London Healthcare Professionals

Kooth are holding a webinar for healthcare professionals across London.  Kooth is the free and anonymous mental health service available to young people in North East London, including LB Redbridge.  The session will include:

The session covers:

  1. An overview of how Kooth works as a mental health service
  2. The evidence base and outcomes from online delivery
  3. How we support you to refer young people to Kooth
  4. Q&As

Register in advance for dates at the beginning of August 2024 via here.

Learning Resource for Social Care Providers

Grey Matter Learning is a resource made freely available for any professional or volunteer delivering social care within Redbridge/North East London.  This includes family and friends carers, personal assistants and other roles.  Find out more about the on-line training available by requesting an account via e-mail:

Private Fostering Arrangements

Are you aware of a child who is being cared for by someone who is not a close relative for a period of more than 28 days?  If so, they may be part of a private fostering arrangement.  This is where someone who is not a close relative cares for a child under the aged of sixteen (or eighteen if the child has a disability).  A close relative is considered to be an aunt, grandparent, step-parent, or a sibling.  Other family members, for example, cousins or great aunts, are not classed as close relatives under the definition of private fostering.  An example of a private fostering arrangement is a child from overseas, such as a student, being hosted by a family whilst being educated in the UK.  All private fostering arrangements should be notified to the Local Authority.  In Redbridge, this can be undertaken by contacting Children’s Services via 020 8708 3885 or by e-mail via .  More information is available on private fostering on the Council’s website.